Job Search on a Global Scale

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Just a brief thought on today’s job market…

With the astronomical growth of remote work as a result of the Covid pandemic, you’re now competing for jobs on a global scale. That means it’s more important than ever for your resume to stand out with a strong marketing message that really calls out your personal brand (the value you bring to an organization and what makes you special). To accomplish this, you must go beyond legacy resumes and create a document that tells your story through your achievements, strengths, and illustrates what sets you apart. If this is something you struggle with, feel free to contact me for assistance. ~Linda

Quick Tip: During a Job Search, No News is Good News

The Career Coach Quick TipWe’ve made it through one great recession and now some are saying we’re teetering on the verge of another. Having worked with hundreds of clients during these tough economic times (and close to 1,000 throughout my coaching career), my advice is to be choosy about how much attention you pay to the news.

Why? Because for some, it’s just too discouraging. When in the midst of a job search, it can undermine your attitude, leaving you with the thought of “why bother, there’s nothing out there anyway.” But even in what has been an incredibly tight job market, my clients are landing new and higher paying positions. They’re not listening to all the doom and gloom, they’re setting their sights on their target, using creative strategies and achieving their goals.

Ironically, one highly effective strategy is reacting to the news. Paying attention to what’s going on with companies in the market and using that intelligence to strategically reach out to executives with thoughts and suggestions of how you may be of help to them. So while the title of this Quick Tip says no news is good news, some news can lead you down the road to prosperity.

~ Linda

Quick Tip: No Lying On Your Resume

The Career Coach Quick TipA small fabrication is causing a big uproar across the tech community. Yahoo CEO, Scott Thompson is accused of exaggerating his credentials on his resume. According to news reports, a regulatory filing and a company press release mention Thompson as having earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting and computer science from Stonehill College. But checks of his school record show an accounting degree only. Now there are demands for his departure as head of the struggling Internet company.

Despite his 30+ years of real world experience, what Yahoo is calling an “inadvertent error”, may lead to Thompson’s downfall. Still feel like embellishing on your resume? We’ve all heard the admonishment, never lie on your resume. Well here’s a real world example to show no matter how high you get on the food chain, an embellishment, error or exaggeration will catch up with you.

What’s interesting to me is that Thompson does have a Bachelor’s degree, it’s just not in computer science. Imagine the uproar if he didn’t have a degree at all!
